Meal Planning


Scouts – Food is generally handled by Patrols. For any specific trip, a scout should ask his Patrol Leader about what the patrol plans to do for food. If the Patrol makeup is unbalanced, the Senior Patrol Leader may choose to form Cooking Groups headed up by Patrol Leaders and intersperse Scouts between them accordingly. First Class and Second Class both have requirements that involve cooking on a campout. When you are interested in being the patrol cook for at least one meal of a campout, let your patrol leader know. The cook then will collect money from each of the scouts he fed. As a rule of thumb, Meals should not cost more than $2.50 -$5.00 per meal per person.

Food Restrictions – It's very important that all Scout families share any food allergies and/or religious restrictions with the Patrol and Troop leadership. PLEASE NOTE > It is the FAMILY'S responsibility to make the Troop actively aware of any situation that may impact our menus and scouts. This knowledge is necessary to preparing a healthy, safe meals that everyone can share and enjoy. If you have any questions about this, please contact the SPL or SM.

Planning Your Menu

Scouts like to eat. Leaders too … but Scouts can really put it away. The goal is that what they’re eating is as healthy and balanced (and hopefully as cheap) as we can get them to make it. To that end, Patrol Leaders are required to submit Patrol Menus two weeks prior to every trip. Additionally menu planning is a requirement for the First Class Rank and the Cooking Merit Badge (now Eagle Required). These menus must meet the following guidelines:

Ready to get started? Here are some helpful resources:

Outing Shopping

Throughout the year, a Scout may be required to shop for food for an outing. He should have an approved shopping list from a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster. The list will state how many Scouts are being shopped for and the quantities of each item needed. Please try to purchase generic items or items on sale when possible.

Meal costs can be estimated using the following cost per person in the patrol. Breakfast $3.50 x2, Lunch $5.00, Dinner $8.00 ( Estimating $20 per person for food for the outing) 

Food should be packed into a Food Box and a Food Cooler. Please put ice packs in with the perishable items. Plastic drink bottles (i.e., Gatorade or 20-ounce soda bottles) filled ¾ of the way with water and frozen make excellent freezer packs. (Some plastic bottles are available at the Scout Shed.) In addition, Ziploc freezer bags filled with water and placed in the freezer flat make good ice packs. Please avoid loose ice in the coolers, as meat items and cartons become saturated as the ice melts, and pose a health risk.

No parent should be covering the cost of the food for an outing. Expense Reimbursement Forms can be found on our website, under the “Forms” tab. Be sure to retain your sales receipt(s) for the food, and submit them with the Expense Reimbursement Form. Place the form and the receipt(s) in an envelope with your name and the outing shopped for, and submit to the Troop Treasurer for reimbursement.

Most importantly, it is the Scout’s responsibility, and not the parents’ responsibility, to obtain and pack the food. Of course, parents may help and guide their sons, but the boys need to take the lead and participate in the grocery shopping for the outing.


As mentioned above, several ranks and merit badges have cooking requirements associated with them. Make sure you talk to your Patrol Leader to find out when and where you can complete them. Remember, he can't help you if he doesn't know you need help.